Arte Sostenible

Conectamos arte y naturaleza para un futuro más sostenible.

a body of water with mountains in the background
a body of water with mountains in the background
a couple of people are out in the water
a couple of people are out in the water
brown boat on body of water near houses under blue and white cloudy sky during daytime
brown boat on body of water near houses under blue and white cloudy sky during daytime
A person with a large bag on their head
A person with a large bag on their head
a rocky beach with trees and water in the background
a rocky beach with trees and water in the background
a lone tree on a rocky shore line
a lone tree on a rocky shore line

Conectando arte, naturaleza y cultura

Una experiencia interdisciplinaria para un futuro sostenible, promoviendo la paz y la conservación a través del arte y la tecnología.

a person standing in the middle of a body of water
a person standing in the middle of a body of water



Arte y sostenibilidad

Cultura de paz